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Medicine Just Got More Personal: How AI is Shaping Healthcare

Hi there, Human!

We’re about to dive into mind-blowing AI wizardry that's shaking up healthcare. We're talking personalized medicine, digital twins, and more.

🗞 Breaking news: AI-Powered Personalized Medicine. Researchers are using AI to personalize treatments, revolutionize clinical trials, and empower healthcare professionals.

⚙️ AI Tools Kit: 3 AI tools to master copywriting

📸 AI-generated pictures: A joyful exploration in healthcare

Reading time: 5 minutes

🗞 Breaking News

Personalized Medicine Brought By AI

The big topic of the moment is personalized medicine. AIs could help us customize treatments to an individual's unique profile.

Imagine a medication in clinical trials that works on only 5% of subjects. Most organizations cannot justify years of study and million-dollar spending with a 5% success rate. They are looking for drugs with broad results. Instead of halting research, AI might help doctors understand why the medicine works for the 5%.

Companies could create drugs for outliers who don’t respond to standard treatment. AI could figure out things we can’t at faster speeds and lower costs. It could simply become feasible to create custom drugs.

Digital Twins - Simulated Patients Inside AI Systems

Doctors are considering experimenting with “digital twins” - simulation patients that match real-life profiles. This would give us immense predictability long before we prick and prod the patient for the first time.

Speeding up a Clogged System

This is not as spectacular as flying cars and colonies on Mars, but Large Language Models could speed up paperwork. Systems are clogged, slow, and are keeping valuable medical personnel engaged in repetitive work and reporting. AI has automation power that can free up our medical infrastructure. Keep that in mind the next time you can’t find an appointment for the next six months.

A Question of Ethics

Ethicists are keeping us grounded when it comes to AI making the ultimate decisions, especially in high-stakes fields like medicine. Who is held accountable if AI makes a mistake? What do we do about system bias? How do we fix the black box issue?

AI is en-route to becoming part of some of the biggest, most morally-complex fields we know. There are issues that make ethicists wring their hands at the moment.

⚙️ AI Tools Kit

3 AI tools to master copywriting

1. Quillbot

Quillbot is a paraphraser, grammar and plagiarism checker, co-writer, summarizer, and translator all rolled into one.

2. Jasper AI

An AI-powered tool intended to produce marketing content from blog entries, product descriptions, and company biographies to ad copy and social media captions.

3. Copy AI

It helps writers produce sales content that is targeted to the demands and pain points of particular customer segments, enabling them to engage prospects more successfully and clinch more deals.

📸 AI-generated images

HealthScape: A Bold Exploration of AI-Generated Art in Healthcare

A Bold Exploration of AI-Generated Art in Healthcare" emphasizes the positive and uplifting nature of the exhibit, inviting visitors to delve into the world of AI-generated art and its connection to healthcare

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