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Legal Tech Takes a $650 Million Leap: Thomson Reuters Taps into AI

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What we’ll cover together:

🗞 Breaking news: Legal Tech Takes a $650 Million Leap: Thomson Reuters Taps into AI. Thomson Reuters' acquisition of AI legal tech startup Casetext paves the way for a new future in the legal landscape.

📈 Poll: An AI survey with 2,000 participants is out

⚙️ AI Tools Kit: 3 AI tools to master photography

📸 AI-generated pictures: The Masters of Thomson Reuters: A Historical Journey

Reading time: 5 minutes

🗞 Breaking news

Thomson Reuters Taps into AI

As we keep our fingers on the pulse of the AI revolution, a significant move caught our attention. Thomson Reuters, the media mammoth, is on the verge of acquiring an AI that deals with legal issues called Casetext. This $650 million deal isn't just about the numbers. It's a promising pivot towards a future where generative AI is central to the legal sphere.

Casetext, a trailblazer in using AI and ML for legal services, has been on an exciting journey since its inception in 2013. It began as a platform for attorneys to share knowledge and access legal texts. Today, it's morphed into an AI champion, with its flagship product, CoCounsel, enabling automated legal research, document review, deposition preparation, and contract analysis.

AI: The Legal Sector's New Associate?

It's not difficult to see why Thomson Reuters is investing in a company like Casetext. For law firms and corporate legal departments, the potential is enormous. Thanks to AI, tasks that traditionally took days could be streamlined to hours. It could mean quicker resolutions and increased accessibility for clients.

The Thomson Reuters Vision

And this is just the beginning. Thomson Reuters isn't just integrating AI into its business — it's making it a core pillar. With plans to inject $100 million annually into AI and earmark $10 billion for AI-focused mergers and acquisitions, Thomson Reuters is certainly betting big on AI.

Taking Legal Insights to the Next Level

According to a recent Reuters poll, the legal industry is warming up to AI. With 82% of legal professionals believing in the applicability of generative AI for legal work, we're entering a new era of legal insight and efficiency.

While AI's entry into the legal domain isn't without its challenges, Thomson Reuters' acquisition of Casetext underscores the sector's readiness to embrace change. And as we keep tabs on this evolving narrative, one thing's for certain: the legal sector is on the brink of a transformation, and we'll be here to keep you posted at every turn.

➡️ 56% believe people will develop emotional relationships with AI

➡️ 38% agree that AI will wipe out humanity

➡️ 64% are not opposed to companies producing sentient AI 

⚙️ AI Tools Kit

3 AI tools to master photography


Adobe’s new AI tool allows you to produce amazing results that require far less manual editing. Generative Fill adds and generates content with appropriate lighting, shadows, reflections, and perspective to any image.


An AI-powered culling software will examine hundreds of your photographs and highlight the best ones to view and edit quickly.


An AI-powered platform offering a suite of tools to identify and correct problems with image quality.

📸 AI-generated images

The Masters of Thomson Reuters: A Historical Journey

Explore the photo art exhibition honoring the key figures in Thomson Reuters' history, including 1851: Paul Julius Reuter, 1872: John B. West and Horatio , 1930 Roy Thomson, 960 Kenneth R. Thomson, 1990: Richard J. Harrington, 2002 David K.R. Thomson

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