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  • Capitalizing on the Rise of Artificial Intelligence. Are you thinking of AI Investments? Read this before greenlighting anything

Capitalizing on the Rise of Artificial Intelligence. Are you thinking of AI Investments? Read this before greenlighting anything

We are all thinking about it. But this is a "thread carefully" territory

Hello, Human!

Here are the hot topics of the day:

📰 Breaking news: Capitalizing on the Rise of Artificial Intelligence. We’re All Thinking It, but Where Should We Start?

🔧 AI Tools kit: Artificially-Intelligent financial tools

🎨 AI exhibition: Creating Wealth

Reading time: 3 minutes

📰 Breaking News

Capitalizing on the Rise of Artificial Intelligence

During the great crypto wave, it was once possible to get returns on investments of 100 or 200x. Is there a “to the moon” coming when we talk about AI?

A high risk investment

Microsoft Corp’s NASDAQ summary shows the company gained around 53% since the low in November. Alphabet Inc. is up 34%, and they didn’t even release Bard worldwide. Nvidia is up 400%. Whoever bought the dip in November is now riding a good wave. This is more of a time to take profit than to invest.

Not everything AI will to be crowned queen of the prom

When Microsoft came out, there were thousands of aspiring operating systems. Crypto churned out tens of thousands of crypto projects and tokens, most of them now dead. Promises are cheap and we are on a promising market.

What creates value?

AI systems demand a lot of processing power. It’s tempting to bet on hardware. Keep in mind you would be buying Nvidia stocks at four times the value in November. This does not sound like a “buy low - sell high” affair.

Crypto has been silent, not dead

Security and tokenization is a next step for AIs. Yes, your Amazon chatbot might be able to pay for your products. Blockchain aces security. Coins like Ethereum or Cardano might finally get pragmatic real-life applicabilities. On a separate note, SingularityNET has developed top robotics on top of the Cardano blockchain.

Nothing compares to the thrill of the hunt

AIs will revolutionize every single field. This is not just about tech, this is about a sweeping market movement. Plenty of people are looking outside of tech, at early adopters who stand to gain the most from implementing AI. Among the favorites are medical research, exploitation of resources, gaming industries.

If there is ONE advice every winning broker will give you, that’s to diversify

Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket unless you’re planning for one helluva omelet. If you’ve been spoiled by the crypto market, keep in mind your horizon is not for next week. The regulated markets are slower. Nothing compares to the volatility of crypto coins.

Read the full article here…

Is Your Job Threatened by AI?

The Off-Ramp for Jobs That Will “No Longer Exist in 6 Months”

AIs are not replacing redundant labor and the jobs nobody wanted. They completely disrupt the aspirational jobs, the “what do you want to be when you grow up” kind. AI seems to replicate skills we thought were unique to us humans.

⚙️ AI Tools Kit

Artificially-Intelligent Financial Tools

Finance is high-stakes, so the best tools will be slow to emerge. If you want to be early to this game (I know you do), here’s what to (cautiously) look at

Uptrends.ai for stock market chatter

Keep track of events in the stock market. Uptrends monitors all the chatter online, from news to reddit and everything in between. The app serves you a straight-forward report of the market sentiment and a rabbit hole of insights to explore.

FinChat.io for some (limited!) financial advice

FinChat is a financial chatbot that will give you data for better decision-making. The AI gets its data from 750 of the largest publicly traded companies and is en-route to expand to give broader data. It’s a good tool to toy around with until it grows and grants better accuracy.

Planful for financial performance management

This is a great tool for corporate/company use. Accelerate budgeting, plan cycles, make predictions about the success of your company. This tool will model your what if scenarios, to help you understand key business drivers for your project.

Great for large-scale financial planning and predictions

📸 AI-Generated Images

Wealth. Style. Aristocracy.

These are gorgeous portraits imagined by MidJourney for wealth.

🫂 Join our community

Are you one of the Great Disrupted? We built a support group for people to exchange ideas and learnto thrive in the age of AI.

We will turn this into a great resource for professionals to get assistance and grow!

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